Employee Profile


Number of employees for the past 3 years per country are stated below;

Number of Employees 2021 2022 2023
Turkey 2403 2662 2801
Israel 33 33 28
Palestine 66 66 67
Netherlands 1 1 3
Croatia 1 1 13
Bulgaria 3 3 11
Greece 1 2 7
Italy 2 2 57
Poland 1 10
France 24
Average Year of Seniority 2021 2022 2023
8 7,8 8
Number of Disabled Employees 2021 2022 2023
Woman 8 9 10
Man 42 44 43
Total 50 53 53
Number of Employees in STEM Positions 2022 2023
Woman 99 110
Man 355 426
Total 454 536