Environment, R&D and Innovation

As Zorlu Enerji, we adopt the principle of maximizing domestic and renewable energy resource usage in line with our Sustainability Policy, which we have generated as based from topics of energy supply security, competition and environmental protection. We carry out our R&D activities by serving the Sustainable Development Goals and closely follow up global standards.

Within the framework of Zorlu Holding Smart Life 2030 Goals and our Sustainability Policy, we bring our country's rich and undiscovered renewable energy resource diversity together with advanced technology and innovation, and contribute to our country's exploitation of opportunities on the way to a low-carbon and self-sufficient economy.

Within the scope of our innovation work, we invest in the establishment and operation of smart systems that will initiate the transformation of industry. We keep up pace with the times with the innovative and smart solutions we offer, and continue to make our name in the sector with our qualified workforce and resource diversity.

We develop innovative, efficient and enviro-friendly products and services with our goal to lead the industry globally, and we ensure that the subject is adopted and closely monitored in all our companies with the innovation-based target indicators we have determined, especially the R&D and Innovation spending intensity, in line with our Sustainability Strategy.

Our Smart Systems Department, established in 2017, continues its activities in the fields of Digitalization, R&D and Innovation, especially in electrical vehicles. We understand the needs of our age and continue to develop various projects with the smart services we offer with the electrical charging stations and energy storage projects supported by EMRA.

Within the scope of Innovation and New Business Models, which are among our priority issues, we continue our current works in many areas such as electric vehicle rental services, electric vehicle charging stations, smart home systems and smart energy management systems.

While the innovative contents and high investment amounts of the projects that we have developed, reveal the importance we attach to this issue. The projects we have carried out jointly with the HORIZON Program and TÜBİTAK, also play a major role in Turkey's orientation to new generation technologies.

In this context, the details of our Innovation and R&D projects, which we have realized in order to contribute to both the Company and the country's economy, are as follows:

Electrip, Electrical Vehicle Sharing Platform

With the electrip, established as a brand of Zorlu Energy, is the first electric vehicle sharing platform in Turkey, we aimed to generate a fleet that only includes electric vehicles. In this way, we have initiated the period of electrical vehicle rental services, and we have become the pioneer of an enviro-friendly trend with low emissions, which is unprecedented in Turkey, in transportation solutions offered in this sector.

Using the electrip mobile application, users can apply for membership, rent electrical vehicles from the closest point to them, pick up their vehicles with the application without using a key, drop the vehicle back to the point where they bought it, and terminate the lease.

In this way, they can sort out traditional car rental procedures that cause extra effort such as going to the branch and signing a contract etc, through a single application.

In line with the efforts we continue to offer new solutions through this platform; We will continue to strive to minimize parking, traffic and environmental problems.

ZES (Zorlu Energy Solutions)

Launched with the motto of "Turkey's new, clean, fast energy" as of August 2018, ZES provides charging services for electrical vehicle users all over the country. The charging stations, the first of which was opened in Istanbul Zorlu Center, allow users to charge their electric vehicles in 30-60 minutes. As of 2020, we serve with 761 sockets in 455 different locations within the scope of our public network spread over all 81 provinces.

Horizon 2020 Programme – GECO Project

The Horizon 2020 Program, which is the largest research and innovation framework program of the European Union, was established to support the transfer of great discoveries, creative ideas and inventions from the laboratory to the world markets for a more sustainable world and has the funding opportunity of 80 billion Euros over a 7-year period in this direction. Gives grant support to Zorlu Enerji for its participation in the GECO (Geothermal Emission Control) Project, taking into account its successful work in this field.

Various institutions and organizations from countries such as France, England, Italy, Iceland and Germany are involved in the GECO Project. Under the heading of "Reducing Electricity Production Costs from Renewable Energy Resources" included in the Horizon 2020 Program, the project aims to carry out cross-country field practices, test new equipment and technologies and information on "Reduction of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions from Geothermal Energy". It aims to ensure the transfer of knowledge and experience.

Within the scope of the project, tests will be carried out in a total of 4 fields in Turkey, Iceland, Germany and Italy for the injection of carbon dioxide gases into the reservoir in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from geothermal energy production to zero. The project officially entered into force as of October 1, 2018, and the kick-off meeting was held in Reykjavik, Iceland's capital city, between 24-26 October 2018. The first general assembly meeting regarding the project was held in Kızıldere geothermal field between 13-14 March 2019, hosted by Zorlu Energy. Engineering studies of the reinjection system to be implemented in the Kızıldere field have been completed. Procurement processes are ongoing for equipment supply.

Horizon 2020 Programme – GeoSmart Project

In the GeoSmart Project, there are various investors, industrialists, institutes and universities from countries such as England, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Iceland and Norway.

The project aims to implement international field applications, test new equipment and technologies and know-how for the "Application of High Performance Renewable Technologies to Combined Heat-Power Plants" within the scope of the "Safe, Clean and Efficient Energy" heading included in the Horizon 2020 Program, and aims to transfer experience.

Within the scope of the project, the Kızıldere Geothermal Power Plants within Zorlu Enerji and the storage of geothermal fluid in liquid and vapor phase at the Balmatt field in Belgium, CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) and Biomass (Biomass) technologies that can be integrated into geothermal power plants Examining the effects on power plant performance, etc. activities are planned to be carried out. The acceptance of the project was announced by the European Commission in January 2019 and the project was awarded grant support. With the grant agreement signed on June 1, 2019, the project officially entered into force and the kick-off meeting was held in Genk, Belgium between 26-27 June 2019 with the participation of all partners. The first general assembly meeting regarding the project was held in Kızıldere geothermal field between 5-6 November 2019, hosted by Zorlu Energy. Technical studies on the project are still continuing.

Horizon 2020 Programme – GEOPRO Project

Various investors, industrialists, institutes and universities from countries such as England, Iceland, Switzerland, France, Norway and Germany are involved in the GEOPRO Project. The project aims to expand the use of geothermal energy, one of the renewable energy sources, and to better understand the chemical and physical properties of geothermal fluid, for the purpose of "Building a Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Future" within the scope of the "Safe, Clean and Efficient Energy" headline included in the Horizon 2020 Program. will focus on research on field development and improvement of operating conditions.

The acceptance of the project was announced by the European Commission in November 2019 and the project was entitled to receive grant support. With the grant agreement signed on 1 November 2019, the project officially entered into force and the kick-off meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium, between 19-20 November 2019 with the participation of all partners. The data sets of the Kızıldere field have been shared with the consortium members, and technical studies on the project are continuing.

Horizon 2020 Programme – BD4OPEM Project

The BD4OPEM (Big Data Solutions for Energy Marketplace) Project was created within the scope of the "Safe, Clean and Efficient Energy" headline included in the Horizon 2020 Program, with the aim of "Creating the Low Carbon Market of the Future" and designing a new planning tool for this future. The need for grid-connected and integrated systems is one of the most important issues of the energy sector in order to introduce new technologies and to minimize the effects of changes in energy production and consumption profiles on the grid. In order to solve this problem, a project consortium has been formed with the aim of creating an open innovation market where all stakeholders will meet. The project consortium started with 12 partners from 8 countries. Consortium partners aim to develop an "Analytic Toolbox" in which data generated in the energy sector will be collected and processed. An innovative market and market environment will be created through the analyzes and calculations to be obtained from the collected data. It is envisaged that the network monitoring, operation, maintenance, planning, loss and leakage tracking, smart ecosystem, energy management and blockchain applications to be developed with the project will serve the flexible market structure. These applications will increase the total efficiency and ensure the maximum participation of the end user in the system. The project, which was accepted in 2019, started in January 2020 with the signing of the grant contract, and will last for 42 months.

ERA-NET ACT Programme – SUCCEED Project

ERA-NET ACT is a project supported by the "Reliable, Clean and Efficient Energy" subheading included in the Horizon 2020 Program and in which TÜBİTAK is also a partner. Within the scope of the project, it is aimed to coordinate national programs in the field of dissemination and acceleration of carbon storage and sequestration technologies, to ensure unity in research priorities and data sharing. With the ERA-NET ACT Project, it is aimed to support R&D and innovation activities in order to accelerate the development of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technologies. The SUCCEED (Synergetic Utilisation of CO2 Storage Coupled with Geothermal Energy Deployment) Project, which was applied for within the scope of this program, was entitled to receive grant support and entered into force as of September 2019. Within the scope of the project, in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions originating from geothermal power plants, it is aimed to pump carbon dioxide back into the geothermal reservoir and contribute to sustainability. Unlike the GECO Project, it is aimed to recycle carbon dioxide under supercritical conditions. Within the scope of the project, a kick-off meeting was held in Kızıldere geothermal field with the participation of all consortium members between 25-26 September 2019.

EUREKA – ITEA3 Programme – SMART-PDM Project

EUREKA is an international cooperation platform established to encourage the development of advanced technologies, products and services that will increase the competitiveness of industrial and research institutions in European countries in world markets, and to create and conduct joint projects between countries. It was founded in 1985 by 19 countries including Turkey, and today the number of members has increased to 44. 7 sub-clusters have been determined under the umbrella of EUREKA. The themes of these subsets are; low carbon technologies, software-based systems and services, telecommunications, smart electronic systems, smart production technologies, metallurgy, micro and nanoelectronic technologies. After the project applications are reviewed by the ITEA3 Program, the necessary grant support for Turkish partners is provided by TUBITAK. Within the scope of the SMART-PDM project, it is planned to use predictive maintenance technology in wind power plants in the works to be carried out at Gökçedağ WPP, owned by Zorlu Energy. It is planned to increase the benefit obtained from these power plants by reducing the operating costs and production losses in wind power plants with predictive maintenance technology. The SMART-PDM project officially started on January 1, 2019. There are 25 participants from 5 countries, namely Finland, Spain, Portugal, Romania and Turkey, in the 3-year project.

Geothermal Village Project

The aim of the project is to maintain the greenhouse cultivation, heating, electricity generation, thermal tourism, food drying and aquaculture activities of the village to be established next to the geothermal power plant with the waste heat of the geothermal power plant and the development studies of the project are continuing.

In our Zorlu Energy - Natural Gas distribution activities, R&D is carried out subject to EMRA approval. With the change made in the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding Supporting Research, Development and Innovation Activities of Electricity and Natural Gas Distribution Companies on March 26, 2020, the electricity and natural gas distribution systems of our country will reach the level of international quality standards, technology development for system operation, information generation, innovation. It is aimed to determine the rules for supporting and encouraging the research, development and innovation activities of legal entities holding electricity and natural gas distribution licenses in order to increase the locality rate, efficiency and service quality, and reduce service costs and losses.

EMRA – R&D Projects

Zorlu Energy's R&D and Smart Systems Department continues to work on electric vehicles, energy storage and innovation. Within the framework of these studies, the company's "Examination of the Effects of Charging Stations and Electric Vehicles on the Grid and Optimizing These Loads" and "Testing of Lithium Ion Based Energy Storage Systems for Load Shifting" were accepted by EMRA, and a total of 5.7 percent from EMRA for the realization of the projects. million TL in budget support. As a result of these projects, which are planned to last for two years, it is aimed to develop solutions that will be extremely valuable for our country. With these solutions, it is aimed to increase the network security to the highest level by reducing the network load that will arise with the spread of electric vehicles with smart algorithms. In addition to these projects, it is aimed to provide maximum customer accessibility to the call center in the Osmangazi electricity distribution region with the "Satisfaction 4.0" project approved by EMRA. In this way, better service will be provided in the region and customer satisfaction will increase.

Zorlu Solar

We established Zorlu Solar Enerji Tedarik ve Ticaret AŞ (Zorlu Solar) in 2016 to meet the electricity demand with production from endless solar energy, gives life to the world and is reborn every day, instead of limited resources that harm the environment and have no continuity for future generations.

Within the scope of the activities we carry out under the name of Zorlu Solar; To generate electricity from solar energy in Turkey and abroad, to lease, sell, buy, export solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, to install them on roofs and to provide all kinds of installation services and consultancy services and to provide wholesale electricity and / or capacity in the country. There are buying and selling transactions.

E-charge4drivers Project

We have been involved in the project that was initiated to improve the charging experience of electrical vehicle users, including long journeys. The other benefits of the project, which is planned to last for a total of 48 months, are as follows;

Integration of ISO15118 Plug&Charge into existing software,

Adding to existing software for more advanced route planning and reservation processes,

Testing of user-friendly charging stations developed in our pilot region with various scenarios.

Smart Wind Project

With the Smart Wind Project, supported by Tübitak and Eurogia, which started in 2019, in order to reduce operating costs and increase electricity production in our wind power plants, the data obtained from SCADA and sensor systems are collected in a cloud infrastructure and a decision support system for data analysis, performance diagnosis and operational maintenance studies is established, Thanks to the decision support system, it is aimed to achieve economic gain by reducing operating and maintenance costs.

Please refer to link for more information about new business opportunities for Zorlu Enerji.

We carry our biodiversity to the future

We believe that it is our duty to prevent the gradual depletion of the diversity in nature and the rapid deterioration of the ecological balance.

As Zorlu Enerji, which provides 87% of its national energy production portfolio from domestic and renewable energy sources, we attach great importance to the protection of biodiversity in our country in all our investments within the framework of our Smart Life 2030 Sustainability Strategy.

We conduct environmental and social impact assessments, research and conservation studies that take into account the biological diversity in the regions that we invest in.

With these efforts, we contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals of "Affordable and Clean Energy", "Protection Life on Land" and "Partnerships for the Goals".

You can access Zorlu Enerji's Biodiversity Risk Report via the link.

The studies we have done to protect the biodiversity in our country's geography, which has a high diversity in species and genetics;

Fruit tree transplantation

We transplanted 1600 fig and olive trees to the site 15 km away, with the tree transport works we carried out before the construction of the Kızıldere 3 geothermal power plant located within the borders of Aydın and Buharkent district.

Yellow bamboo (heliotrophium thermophilum)

Within the scope of environmental impact assessments that we conducted for Kızıldere 1 geothermal power plant, Turkey's first geothermal power plant, we identified a single point endemic yellow bamboo species, and supported the anatomical research studies of the species by collaborating with Pamukkale University and Ege University.

Hyphenous spider zodarion tireboluensis

As a result of the biodiversity research we carried out within the scope of the tirebolu regulator and HEPP project, which is planned to be built within the borders of the Tirebolu district of Giresun, we discovered an endemic species that spreads in a very limited area and is not defined in the literature, and brought the species to the literature together with the academicians working on the project.

Ekimia ozcan & secmenii

As a result of our biodiversity researches within the scope of the Sami Soydam Sandalcık Dam and HEPP project, which is planned to be established within the boundaries of Denizli Acıpayam district, we have identified a single point endemic species that spreads in a very limited area and is not defined in the literature.

Continuing the species identification studies with ege university academicians, we registered a new species in the literature under the name of ekimia ozcan & secmenii. By notifying the species to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, we contributed to its inclusion in the Biodiversity Conservation Species Action Plan by informing the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Target 1.2 million saplings for a sustainable future

As Zorlu Enerji, one of Turkey's leading companies in domestic and renewable energy field, we continue to take decisive steps in the fight against the climate crisis in line with our 2030 vision of smart life.

In order to leave a greener world for the future, we aim to bring 1.2 million saplings to the soil within the scope of the zero carbon footprint forests project, which we carry out in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

In line with this goal, we have planted more than 330 thousand saplings in total, with 30 thousand red pine, 40 thousand almonds and 20 thousand acacia saplings, which we planted in the memorial forest we created in Gaziantep's Nurdağı district.

As one of the first companies in Turkey to produce projects to reduce its carbon footprint, we increased the rate of domestic and renewable energy in our production portfolio in Turkey to 87% in 2020 with our high technology investments. As the first energy company from Turkey to participate in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), we have been transparently sharing our carbon footprint with the public every year since 2011.

We successfully carry out our activities to reduce our carbon footprint to zero by establishing electric vehicle charging station infrastructures in 81 provinces in order to reduce carbon emissions caused by transportation.Our energy is for a sustainable life..

Turkey's First Bird Radar System

Zorlu Enerji, with its sensitivity to protect natural life, invested 500000 US Dollars in order to protect both birds and turbines, and installed Turkey's first bird tracking radar at Gökçedağ Wind Power Plant in 2011.

Thanks to the Bird Radar System, birds or flocks of birds approaching the wind farms can be detected and monitored in real time from the monitor. Operationally, the turbines can be stopped for a short time during bird passage, while the flight direction of the birds can be changed by sending sound waves with the LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) system.

With the data obtained from bird watching studies and regular monitoring activities, no operation-related bird deaths have occurred at Gökçedağ Wind Power Plant so far.


As Zorlu Enerji, we determine the effects on endemic and non endemic species in relevant region due to our domestic operations through periodic observation studies. We generate follow up activies and supervise our biodiversity action plans.

A. Some Species at Risk According to the World Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) for Mercan Regulator and HEPP Operations

  • Anatolia Newt (Neurergus strauchii munzurensis)

For more info about Anatolia Newt please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/14735/4458797

  • Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus)

Fore more info about Egyptian Vulture please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22695180/205187871

  • European Turtle-dove (Streptopelia turtur)

For more info about European Turtle-dove please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22690419/154373407

  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for Mercan Regulator and HEPP and influenced species by here link.

B. Some Species at Risk According to the World Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) for Tercan HEPP Operations

  • Tortoise (Testudo graeca)

For more info about Tortoise please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/21646/9305693

  • Lynx (lynx lynx)

For more info about Lynx please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/12519/3350985

  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for Tercan HEPP and influenced species by link.

C. Some Species at Risk According to the World Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) for Beyköy Regulator and HEPP Operations

  • Redwing (Turdus İliacus)

For more info about Redwing please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22708819/110990927

  • Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus Barbatus)

For more information about Bearded Vulture please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22695174/154813652

  • Red-footed Falcon (Falco Vespertinus)

For more information about Red-footed Falcon please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22696432/200136196

  • Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila Heliaca)

For more information about Eastern Imperial Eagle, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22696048/155464885

  • Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra)

For more information about Eurasian Otter, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/12419/164578163#green-assessment-information

  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for Beyköy Regulator and HEPP and influenced species by here link.

D. Some Species at Risk According to the World Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) for Çıldır HEPP Operations

  • Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

For more information about carp, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/6181/12559362

  • Bulatmai Barbel (Luciobarbus capito)

For more information about Bulatmai Barbel, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/135687/4181037

  • White-headed Duck (Oxyura Leucocephala)

For more information about White-headed Duck, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22679814/119403602

  • Common Pochard (Aythya ferina)

For more information about Common Pochard, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22680358/205288455

  • Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis)

For more information about Steppe Eagle, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22696038/205452572

  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for Çıldır HEPP and influenced species by here link.

E. Some Species at Risk According to the World Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) for İkizdere Regulator and HEPP Operations

  • Crimean Barbel (Barbus tauricus)

For more information about Crimean Barbel, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/135540/4141202

  • Baran Viper (Vipera barani)

For more information About Baran Viper, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/164774/5925027

  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for İkizdere Regulator and HEPP and influenced species by here link.
  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for Kuzgun HEPP and influenced species by here link.
  • You can acces the Biodiversity Action Plan for Ataköy Regulator & HEPP and influenced species by here link.

F. Some Species at Risk According to the World Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) for Kızıldere 1 GEPP Operations

  • Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus)

For more info about Lesser White-fronted Goose, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22679886/166193479

  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for Kızıldere 1 GEPP and influenced species by here link.

G. Some Species at Risk According to the World Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) for Kızıldere 2 & 3 GEPP Operations

  • Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca)

For more information about Ferruginous Duck, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22680373/152620862

  • Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)

For more information about Northern Lapwing, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22693949/111044786

  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for Kızıldere 2&3 GEPP and influenced species by here link.
  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for Alaşehir GEPP and influenced species by here link.

H. Some Species at Risk According to the World Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) for Osmaniye WPP Operations

  • Wild Goat (Capra aegagrus)

For more information about Wild Goat, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/3786/10076391

  • Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)

For more information about Brown Bear, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/41688/10514336

  • Stripped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena)

For more information about Stripped Hyaena, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/10274/3188449

  • Greater Spotted Eagle (Clanga clanga)

For more information about Greater Spotted Eagle, please visit https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22696027/203868747

  • You can access the Biodiversity Action Plan for Osmaniye WPP and influenced species by here link.

Water is an important resource for the activities of our group. In particular, the fundamental input for our natural gas plants is water and natural gas. In addition to electricity generation, the plants produce and sell steam; the steam is also used in turbine cycles to generate additional energy. The energy generation plants consume significant amounts of water for steam production and in coolant systems. As it is the main input of the steam cycle, water consumption increases consumption and must be used efficiently.