Integrated Risk Management

Risk Management Approach

With our Corporate Risk Management approach, we identify and evaluate all events that may disrupt the operation of Zorlu Enerji Companies; We enable it to be managed consistently, comprehensively and economically.

  • We have established the Corporate Risk Management approach we apply within the framework of COSO (Comittee of Sponsoring Organizations) and ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard.
  • We support them on the way to our Company's goals and objectives by managing the risks we have identified, not separately, but with a portfolio approach at a certain risk tolerance (risk appetite).
  • While making a risk assessment; We measure and evaluate risks within the scope of their probability of occurrence and effects.
  • While making risk assessment, we create a risk inventory in which the economic, environmental and social impacts of our company are evaluated, and we define our approach to risks with a SWOT analysis.

The fact that the Corporate Risk Management shall be independent and dynamic process, it is crucial in terms of detecting and measuring these risks that may cause deviation from company goals and objectives.

With our Early Detection of Risk Committee, we aim to detect risks that may endanger the existence, development and continuity of our Company, to implement the measures related to the identified risks, and to manage the risk.

  • Our Early Detection of Risk Committee meets several times a year by the Corporate Risk Management Department within the scope of its duties specified in the Working Principles.
  • The decisions taken as a result of the Committee's examinations are reported and presented to the Board of Directors.

For the Management of Our Social and Environmental Risks;

For the Covid-19 outbreak, which is among the risks of the year 2021 announced by the World Economic Forum, we take our measures and evaluate their activities within the scope of all our facilities.

In this context, we were entitled to receive Covid-19 Safe Production Certificates for our facilities by TSE.

We use the QDMS software for the management of our risks, periodically review the local and international legislation requirements in line with the expectations of the relevant parties (credit institutions, legal authorities, etc.), and take our actions specific to the relevant environmental and social risks within the scope of Environmental and Social Action Plans.

At our Kızıldere III Geothermal Power Plant, Turkey's largest geothermal facility, we carry out process safety studies in line with the requirements of national legislation in line with the SEVESO-Major Accidents Prevention Directive.

Within the scope of SEVESO Legislation;

- We prepared the SAFETY REPORT as GR-2019/REV.0.

- Kızıldere Jes 3 Explosion Protection Document was prepared in January 2020

- Internal Emergency Plan (DADP) work continues under the consultancy of ÖNDER ACADEMY.

- Major Accident Scenario Document (BKSD) Report work continues under the consultancy of ÖNDER ACADEMY.

SEVESO Public Information Text

We monitor and report our environmental risks, our emissions from our power plants, in accordance with relevant local and international expectations.

For mercury and PM10 parameters, which have carcinogenic effects, our measurement studies continue for our thermal facilities.

The amount of mercury in coal is regularly monitored. Within the plans of Lüleburgaz Thermal Power Plant, the amount of mercury remaining in the base ash, fly ash and gas phase of the thermal power plant will be determined separately. The amount of mercury in coal phase was measured as 0.12 mg/kg on 08.10.2021. You can reach out measurement results by link.

PM10 measurement results are observed as 0.77 mg/Nm3 at maximum level on 04.11.2021. PM10 results are compliant with the legal limits given as 40μg/m3. Measurements will be carried out regularly. You can reach out measurement results by link.

Lüleburgaz Thermal Power Plant Emission Measurement Result Report

TSE Covid-19 Safe Production Certificates

We protect our local stakeholders in İkizdere Basin, Black Sea Region due to our İkizdere HEPP activities with our early detection system for flood activities. İkizdere HES Sel Erken Uyarı Sistem Raporu

We observe our traffic risk based incident performance via Vehicle Tracking System to prevent traffic accidents. Click to review.

Gas Leakage Rate




Transportation (% leakages)




Distribution (% leakages)




Storage (% leakages)




Fugitive and ventilated gas leakage rate is given for natural gas distribution business from GAZDAŞ Trakya and GAZDAŞ Gaziantep operations.

You can access Zorlu Enerji's detailed Enterprise Risk Management via the link.