Zorlu Enerji Operations & Maintenance (O&M), a leading international O&M services company with more than 10 years of experience , is a member of the Zorlu Enerji Group of Companies which forms one of the major business lines of the Zorlu Holding of Turkey. Zorlu Holding is active on textile, home electronics, energy and real estate with €5bn annual turn over. Several companies of Zorlu Holding are listed in the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
Zorlu Enerji Operations & Maintenance (O&M) was established in 2000 as the first power plant operation and maintenance Services Company in Turkey. Its scope of services includes installation, commissioning, start up and long term service agreements (LTSA) forOperation and/or maintenance of power plants. Zorlu Enerji Operations & Maintenance (O&M) portfolio of the customers includes both Zorlu and non- Zorlu plants in Turkey and many other countries located around Turkey at east Europe, Middle East and Asia. Zorlu Enerji Operations & Maintenance (O&M) is providing integrated services to international customer network, as of today,in 9 different country including but not limited to cogeneration, hydroelectric, wind and geothermal power plants.
One of the indispensable requirement to maintain competitiveness in ever-growing energy sector is effective operation and maintenance services. Our mission is providing fast, flexible and effective maintenance and operation services around the clock , tailored to your needs from on-call repairs to the most comprehensive long term service agreements. Zorlu Enerji Operations & Maintenance (O&M) is available 24/7 to ensure safe, efficient and reliable operation and maintenance service.
Our wide spare parts inventorysupportedby a powerful logistic network,experienced operation and maintenance teams ,remote monitoring / health monitoring systems andadvanced control-automation infrastructure are the assurance of ourhigh availability guarantee.