During the priority issue determination process of Zorlu Energy, the support of consultants experienced in the field of sustainability was obtained within the scope of determining global risks, the survey process and integrating very high priority issues into the strategy.
While determining the Zorlu Energy sustainability strategy, in addition to a deep literature review, Zorlu Energy updates the most important issues that its stakeholders attach importance to and related to its activities every year and performs a prioritization analysis. During the priority issue determination process, the support of consultants experienced in the field of sustainability was obtained within the scope of determining global risks, the survey process and integrating very high priority issues into the strategy. When determining the priority issues of Zorlu Energy, it strictly adheres to the sustainability policy and takes into account global trends, risks and the leading standards of the industry in terms of sustainability. Among the international global risk reports; Deloitte – Future of Power Report and World Economic Forum - Global Risks Report, and sectoral prominent World Energy Outlook, IFRS and MSCI institutions have been included in the prioritization analysis of the issues identified. since many of the issues included in the prioritization analysis in 2021 continue to have an impact today, a detailed literature review was conducted taking into account the current issues, and the most important issues of today were reviewed, and the number of topics in the 2022 analysis increased from 16 to 38.
Taking into account all the inputs collected through stakeholder analysis and desktop studies and the Company's existing sustainability index gaps, a survey containing a total of 38 topics was shared with both internal and external stakeholders, 43% of which are academics, 29% of which are media sector, 14% of which are NGOs and Zorlu Energy's suppliers, and a prioritization matrix was created with the participation of stakeholders.
Priorities for Zorlu Energy are included in the Y axis of the prioritization matrix and priorities for external stakeholders are included in the X axis.
In total, 12 of the 38 subjects in the prioritization matrix were classified as “very high priority” while 12 were classified as “high priority” and 14 were classified as “priority”.
Zorlu Enerji works to create a sustainable added value in every region where it operates within the framework of its Sustainability Policy. Thanks to the results of the identification of priority issues (prioritization analysis) study conducted in parallel with this policy, the institution has evaluated the outstanding topics with a holistic approach and identified the value areas that it will focus on in its long-term value creation journey. Accordingly, the priority areas where value is created are mainly economic performance, environmental performance, social performance and innovation.