Employee Rights and Business Ethics

At Zorlu Enerji, we adopt the fundamental principle of complying with and supporting the protection of fundamental human rights as defined by international laws. We protect and manage the rights of our employees within the framework of applicable legislation, labor contracts concluded between the employee and the employer, and ethical rules.

We implement and follow the requirements under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data. While the personal information of our employees is retained by the organization within the framework of the principles of confidentiality, our employees, in line with the same principles, act in a way that unquestionably respects the confidentiality of all technical information, including registered applications, company names, and information in the database of our company.

In addition to these general practices, we also implement special certification systems for employee rights in different companies under Zorlu Enerji in order to respond to evolving needs. In this context, we have received the SA 8000 (Social Accountability 8000) certificate, which addresses occupational health and safety, forced labor, child labor, discrimination, working hours and wages, disciplinary practices and management systems in the production plants of Zorlu Doğal Elektrik Üretimi A.Ş., one of our companies.

At Zorlu Energy, Ethical Principles define our working principles, ways of doing business and values. The Code of Ethics, which covers all employees, regulates our relations with all stakeholders, especially suppliers and business partners.

We attach great importance to our employees’ understanding and adoption of our ethical principles, and we offer mandatory trainings on this theme.

As Zorlu Enerji, we are guided by Zorlu Holding Ethical Principles in all our practices and processes.

We also have an “Ethics Hotline” where our employees can report their complaints. All complaints received via this hotline are examined and reported.

Employee Ambassador Program

At Zorlu Enerji, we are aware that our greatest energy is our employees. Based on this, we launched our “Employee Ambassador” program to listen to our employees in all locations. Our employees will be able to contact the Employee Ambassador assigned to their region for any problems they experience regarding their working life and any message they wish to convey. With regular meetings held every month, we keep Field-Headquarters coordination at the highest level, evaluate the incoming requests and plan our actions accordingly.

You can access Zorlu Enerji's Human Rights Report via the link.