Career and Talent Management

At Zorlu Enerji, we are committed to making development plans in line with the competencies of our employees in order for them to manage their careers correctly and enhance their talents. Our employees are included in the internal promotion process with set standards according to the norm staff needs in the organization, work and performance results, their experience and competencies within the company and their potential evaluations. If they fulfill the requirements and criteria, they can be appointed to a position or rotated to a different field. Our Career and Talent Management practices do not allow any discrimination based on gender, age, religion, language, race, sect, social status, physical build, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation or any other personal feature.

Every year, our talent map is reviewed and our talent pool is created in line with the performance and potential evaluation results of our employees. Talent development programs are organized by taking into account the development plans of our employees in this pool.

In addition, we identify key roles in our companies and employees who may be candidates for those roles in the short, medium and long term within the scope of backup plans. We create development plans for our employees who are candidates for the relevant key roles in order to prepare them for their future roles, and we continuously support them accordingly. Within the framework of our sustainable organization and Human Resources Policies and practices, we constantly review our organization development plans in line with our company’s strategic plans and our talent pool.

Through this process, we contribute to the Talent Pool and Sustainable Organization Success Plans not only for Zorlu Enerji but also for the entire Zorlu Group.

Our Focal Core Competencies Towards Our Vision of Becoming the Energy Company of the Future


  • Adaptation to Change and Innovation-Orientedness
  • Cooperation
  • Curiosity and Learning Agility
  • Resilience

Managerial Competencies:

  • Managing Performance and Talent
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Strategic Leadership
  • Leading Change