Emission Reduction and Climate Protection

As part of our Sustainability Policy and Strategy, we invest in advanced technologies to provide energy efficiency within the scope of combating climate change, while investing in domestic, renewable and clean energy. With our increasing renewable energy investments, the share of renewable energy in Turkey’s generation portfolio reached 61% in late 2015. In addition to wind, hydroelectric and geothermal sources, we carry out our activities to become the most effective, visionary and technology-developing actor of solar power in Turkey.

Important Steps in Combating Climate Change:

Scope 3 Emission Categories

Emission (tCO2e)

3.1 Purchased Goods and Services


3.2 Capital Goods


3.3 Fuel-and-energy-related-activities


3.4 Upstream transportation and distribution


3.5 Waste generated in operations


3.6 Business travel


3.7 Employee commuting


3.8 Upstream leased assets


3.9 Downstream transportation and distribution


3.10 Processing of sold products


3.11 Use of sold products


3.12 End of life treatment of sold products


3.13 Downstream leased assets


3.14 Franchises


3.15 Investments


Carbon Disclosure Project(CDP)

Zorlu Energy joined the Carbon Disclosure Project in 2010, becoming the first Turkish energy company to take part in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) by providing reports of corporate policy and objectives for climate change, carbon emission quantities and mitigation objectives.
Within the scope of this project, we transparently share our carbon footprint with the public since 2011.

ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Verification Standard

As the first Turkish energy company to attain the ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Verification Standard (Zorlu Energy), we carry out the monitoring, control and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions of our activities, while regularly verifying the quantity and measurement methodologies of greenhouse gas emissions. Zorlu Energy’s natural gas plants have attained the ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Calculation Certificate in 2014.
In line with the objectives in our Sustainability Strategy, it is planned to implement the ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Emission Verification Standard in our geothermal energy plants similar to the natural gas plants.

United Nations Global Principles Compact

The United Nations Global Principles Compact (UNGC), signed by the Zorlu Holding, institutionalized the principles adopted since the founding of our company as international commitments.

2°C Memorandum Signatory and Climate Platform

We are a signatory of the 2°C Memorandum and founding member of the Climate Platform - Turkish Climate Change Leaders Group.

Gold Standard

We attained the Gold Standard Certificate with the Gökçedağ Wind Power Plant Project commissioned in 2010 and integrating into the Volunteer Carbon Market, realizing the first carbon emission project of Turkey. We signed the contract to transfer all rights related to the greenhouse gas emission mitigated as part of the project and the authority to operate in the volunteer markets to EcoSecurities Group until 2012.
The annual emission reduction in Gökçedağ Wind Power Plant with 135 MW installed power is approximately 302,675 tons of CO2.

After the Gökçedağ Wind Power Plant (Rotor 1), the “Gold Standard” Certificate evaluating reputable renewable energy projects has been attained for the Sarıtepe Demirciler RES (Rotor II RES) Project in 2015. Rotor II RES plant, planned with a total of 80.3 MW installed power to be commissioned in the second half of 2016, is expected to provide approximately 100 thousand tons of CO2 emission reduction per annum.
Furthermore, following the plants in Turkey, the wind power plant in Pakistan has also received the first Gold Standard certificate of the country. The first wind power plant in Pakistan, the 56.4 MW plant’s project design, installation and operation has been undertaken by Zorlu Energy, which also became the first company to attain the Gold Standard Certificate in Pakistan.

The ‘Gold Standard’ certificate evaluates renewable energy projects for mitigation of carbon emissions, respecting the nature, contribution to social development and other criteria and is considered the most prestigious program on a global scale. Supported by over 80 non-governmental organizations globally and helping to develop over 1100 projects, the program is carried out by the Gold Standard Foundation.

Zero Carbon Footprint Forests Project

As one of the most important elements of our sustainability activities, we carry out the combat against climate change at micro level through the Zero Carbon Footprint Forests Project.

In all expositions and summits we attend to raise awareness on Climate Change, we calculate the carbon footprint of visitors to our stand and that of our stand and carry out forestation in activity areas in equal measure.
The carbon footprint of visitors to our stands in activities attended by our Company is calculated using a specially developed software. While forestation equal to the footprint is carried out to eliminate the carbon footprint, the measure of environmental damage due to human activities with respect to greenhouse gases generated in carbon dioxide units, an information certificate for new trees planted in the company’s Zero Carbon Footprint Forests is given to the owners of the carbon footprint.

The project was initiated in 2012 and planted 38,000 trees by the end of 2015 with the contribution of 20,000 stakeholders.

March 21 World Forestry Day Activities

Tree planting activity is carried out each year on March 21 World Forestry Day in the vicinity of one of our electricity generation plants, attended by local stakeholders and non-governmental organizations. Planned as a day in the nature, the plant workers and managers as well as local populace, students of nearby schools and award-winning volunteers come together to enjoy a festival in nature.

Following the tree-planting activity, the plant’s operation manager provides information and answers questions about the plant, Zorlu Energy Company’s electricity generation as well as environmental and social activities. The students and children attending the event are given books about environment and energy.

To raise awareness of Company employees on climate change and other important carbon sinks and importance of forests, communication e-mails with detailed information are prepared and sent and knowledge contests are held. Employees giving the correct answers in the knowledge contents participate in the World Forestry Day on 21st March and are awarded.
3,000 trees have been planted as part of the Forestation Organization carried out in 21 March 2015 in Gökçedağ RES within the scope of Zero Carbon Footprint Forests Project.

Financialization of Climate Risks Report, Click Here.

Zorlu Enerji CDP Climate Change Report, Click Here.

Zorlu Enerji CDP Water Report, Click Here.

Gazdaş CDP Climate Change Report, Click Here.

Zorlu Enerji CDP Forest Report Click Here.

Click for the Zorlu Doğal 14064 Verification Statement.

Click for the Zorlu Enerji 14064 Verification Statement.

Click for the Zorlu Jeotermal 14064 Verification Statement.

Click for the Zorlu Doğal 14046 Verification Statement.

Click for the Zorlu Enerji 14046 Verification Statement.

Click for the Zorlu Jeotermal 14046 Verification Statement.

You can reach “Zorlu Enerji Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework” click here.

You can reach “Zorlu Enerji Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework SPO Report” click here.