The health and safety of our employees and stakeholders is one of our highest priorities. We are based on Zorlu Enerji's Health and Safety Policy in all our activities within the scope of Health and Safety Management System. At the same time, we implement the Health and Safety Policy with participation of all our employees. Within the scope of our policy, we act beyond national legislation and obligations, we closely follow up current developments and inform our site organizations about any changes on legislation or related standards. We identify hazards and evaluate risks at all sites and locations where we operate; We take measures in this direction. In case of occurrence of incidents and accidents, we generate reports and analyze root causes to prevent their recurrence and to improve our performance. We encourage our employees who contribute to the improvement of health and safety issues by rewarding them. We take into consideration of occupational diseases and risks that can be sourced from new facilities and processes starting from the project design phase.
In our Kızıldere III Geothermal Power Plant, which is the largest geothermal facility in Turkey, process safety studies are carried out in line with the requirements of national legislation that is alligned with SEVESO-Major Accidents Prevention Directive.
We raise awareness of all employees, contractors, customers and contractors of our company on H&S and support them with training. In line with the relevant regulations, our employees and contractors are trained about mandatory H&S trainings during their employment.
In our company, the activities in which the incidence and risk of occupational accidents or obvious occupational diseases are high on construction and production activities. In this direction, we manage all our H&S practices in accordance with the ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management System certificate. We apply the hierarchy of controls determined in ISO 45001 to identify business-related hazards and reduce risks, and we evaluate the results in management review meetings. In addition, we monitor the near-misses and dangerous situation notifications made by the employees via QDMS through the HSE Directorate and direct them to responsible units for the actions to be taken. In order to prevent the recurrence of work accidents, we establish accident incident investigation teams, conduct root cause analyzes and plan corrective and remedial actions. Employee representatives contribute to the development of HS processes by attending monthly HS board meetings. Our company is subjected to external audit at least once a year by both internal audit and independent certification bodies in order to audit and continuously improve the practices within the scope of the HS Management System. All our employees have the right to refuse risky jobs within the framework of the law. Within the scope of the health services we receive from the common health and safety units, also workplace doctor service is provided in all our workplaces.
*Zorlu Energy Group calculation methodolgy related to H&S performance metrics
Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) : (# of recordable incidents in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
Total Incident Rate (TIR) : (# of recordable injuries in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
Total Incident Severity Rate : (# of lost days experienced from lost time injuries in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
Total Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) : (# of lost time injuries in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
Total Occupational Disease Rate : (# of occupational disease in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
**Contractors Controlled by Zorlu Energy Group calculation methodolgy related to H&S performance metrics
Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) : (# of recordable incidents in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
Total Incident Rate (TIR) : (# of recordable injuries in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
Total Incident Severity Rate : (# of lost days experienced from lost time injuries in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
Total Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) : (# of lost time injuries in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
Total Occupational Disease Rate : (# of occupational disease in the reporting period) * 10^6 / (Total hours worked in the reporting period)
*OEPSAŞ is included, GAZDAŞ and OEDAŞ are excluded for 2019 calculations.
*OEPSAŞ is included and OEDAŞ is excluded for 2020 calculations.
*OEPSAŞ is included and OEDAŞ is excluded for 2021 calculations.