Board of Directors


Board Member

(1944 – Denizli) Ahmet Nazif Zorlu began his professional career at the family-owned textile business in Babadağ, Denizli. He opened his first textile store in Trabzon. In 1970, Zorlu moved the Company’s headquarters to Istanbul where he laid the foundations of Zorlu Holding with his brother, Zeki Zorlu. Ahmet Zorlu set up his first company, Korteks, in 1976 and consolidated all the group companies under the umbrella of Zorlu Holding in 1990. After acquiring Vestel in 1994, Ahmet Zorlu opened the door to new lines of business for Zorlu Holding. Zorlu’s entrepreneurialism, which began with the textile sector, later manifested in more companies operating in a wide range of industries such as household appliances, consumer electronics, energy, real-estate development, metallurgy, and defense. In addition to his role as a Board Member at Zorlu Enerji, Ahmet Zorlu currently serves as Chairman and Vice Chairman at numerous Zorlu Group companies operating in different industries, primarily Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ and Vestel Beyaz Eşya Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ. With a keen interest in NGOs, Ahmet Zorlu sits on the Board of the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD), Education and Culture Foundation of the People of Denizli (DENSİR), Babadağ Industry and Business Association (BASİAD), and Turkish Home Textile Industrialists’ Association (TETSİAD).


He was born in Sinop in 1965. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences. He studied Modern Public Administration Techniques and European Community Law at the Royal Institute of Public Administration in England in 1990-91. He became a European Community Law Expert at Ankara University ATAUM. Starting in 1997, he served as the Prime Ministry General Director of Laws and Decisions for 5 years. Since 1999, as a government representative, he served as a member of the General Assembly and Board of Directors of the Press Advertisement Agency and as Deputy Chairman. He served as the founding chairman of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority. He has been elected at the general assembly held in May 2004 for the ERRA (Energy Regulators Regional Organization) Board of Directors, of which the Energy Market Regulatory Authority is a full member since 25 April 2002, which also has 23 autonomous institutions from Central and Eastern European countries and Central Asian Republics as full members, while 4 of them are observer members. Yusuf Günay has also been the Vice President of MEDREG, the Mediterranean Region Energy Regulators Community, since May 2006. At the 6th ERRA (Energy Regulators Regional Organization) meeting held in Istanbul in May 2007, he was elected ERRA president for 2 years. His term as Chairman of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority ended in November 2007. Günay has served as a Member of the Board of Directors at Zorlu Enerji Elektrik Üretim AŞ as of 2024.


Board Member

(1975 – Trabzon) Selen Zorlu Melik graduated from the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Uludağ University. She began her professional career at Denizbank in 1998. Following her internship at the Bursa branch of Denizbank, she joined Denizbank’s Management Trainee Program in 1999. After working in a number of positions at Denizbank’s head office, Melik attended a Marketing Certificate Program at the University of California, Berkeley in 2001. She began working at the Korteks Yarn Factory in 2002 and became a Board Member of the same company in 2004. Selen Zorlu Melik has been serving as a Board Member of Zorlu Enerji since 2001.


Board Member

(1950 - Eskişehir) He possesses undergraduate and graduate degrees from Ankara Science High School and METU Electrical Engineering, Computer and Control Option, as well as a diploma from the Philips International Institute in the Netherlands. After taking technical and management positions at Bimsa and İnfo companies in Turkey and Dornier System GmbH abroad, he worked as Deputy General Manager at NCR and General Manager at Sun Mikrosistemler A.Ş. He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Technology Development Foundation between 2012-2022 and as an Independent Board Member of Logo Yazılım between 2016-2022. He has been involved in the management team of Vestel Elektronik A.Ş. since 1995 and currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Vestel Ventures. Ultav has also served as a Board Member at Zorlu Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. as of 2024.


Board Member

(1967 – Ankara) Cem Köksal graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department of Boğaziçi University in 1990 and obtained his master’s degree at Bilkent University in 1990. After serving in the banking industry between 1990 and 2001, Cem Köksal was named Deputy General Manager of Denizbank in 1997. Mr. Köksal joined Vestel as the Chief Financial Officer in 2002. Cem Köksal currently serves as an Executive Committee Member at Vestel Group of Companies and is the Chief Financial Officer and the Chairman of the Sustainability Committee at Zorlu Holding. Mr. Köksal has been serving as a Board Member at Zorlu Enerji since 2012. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of UN Global Compact Turkey and a substitute member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Business and Sustainable Development (SKD).


Board Member

(1965 – İzmir) Cem Mengi completed his “A Levels” in Mathematics and Physics in the UK in 1984 and graduated from the Department of Management Information Systems of the Faculty of Management and Administration at the International University in 1988. Same year he began his professional banking career at Finansbank and later he served in different private banks namely İnterbank, Körfezbank, Rabobank International NV and ING Bank as Executive Vice President and Deputy General Manager. Lastly, he served at Akbank as the Chairman of the Credit Committee and Executive Board Member in Charge of Loans and Placement. Cem Mengi was a member of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD), the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), the International Investors Association (YASED) and the Young Executives and Business People Association (GYİAD). He currently serves as the Founding Chairman at CM Capital Management.


Board Member

After graduating from Boğaziçi University, Department of Civil Engineering, in 1993, Betül Ebru Edin completed her Master's Degree in Business Administration at Işık University. Edin, who started her business life in banking in 1993, continued her career in the Corporate Banking department at T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş. (Garanti BBVA) in 1997 and served as Deputy General Manager responsible for Project and Acquisition Finance in 2009. Edin, who has been responsible for Corporate, Investment Banking and Sustainability since 2017, worked at Garanti BBVA until 2022. Until 2022, she also served as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors at Garanti Yatırım ve Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş. and as a Member of the Board of Directors at Garanti Bank S.A. (Romania). Edin continues her work on the civil society side as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sustainable Development Association (SKD), the Board Member of the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) and the Board Member of the 30 Percent Club. As of 2024, she serves as a board member at Zorlu Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.