
Our Supply Chain

We carry out our procurement activities with HQ and local procurement organizations.

Both the needs of our Business Directorates and the needs of our projects are met through the relevant procurement organizations, and we try to reach the most suitable supplier to meet the needs in line with the offers received. We evaluate the commercial conditions, deadlines, technical competence and social impact of the suppliers we reach, and we work with companies that are found to be sufficient in this direction.

Within the scope of our Sustainability Strategy that we determined at the end of 2018, we integrate our company's procurement principles, which include environmental, social and ethical criterias into the contracts we make with suppliers. In addition, we determine our strategic suppliers and conduct surveys to evaluate suppliers and organize training programs to improve our suppliers.

In our company, there is no situation that may require penalties arising from the supply chain. No supplier contract or order has been canceled due to human rights, corruption and labor / environmental practices.

Zorlu Holding AŞ Procurement Principles cover the purchasing operations of all Zorlu Group Companies and include the basic rules of conduct expected from our suppliers. Click to access Procurement Principles.

The compliance of our strategic partners in our supply chain with the ISO 26000 standard in the context of ESG and sustainability has been evaluated, and the points open to improvement and the current situation of our stakeholders in our supply chain and the sector have been determined.

In this direction, sustainability training was provided to our critical suppliers.

Supplier ESG assesments are realized annually, The total ESG performance of the suppliers is given in the table below.

for supplier ESG report please refer to link.

Critical Suppliers

Zorlu Energy defines critical suppliers as companies with a cost of SAS over 1.000.000 TL and/or main equipment supply and/or turnkey work provider.

ISO 26000 Standard is used in Zorlu Energy. In this context, it evaluates its suppliers in this standard as well. The evaluation headings carried out based on the ISO 26001 Social Responsibility standard are as follows;

  • Management
  • Due diligence for human rights
  • Risk situations for human rights
  • Avoiding complicity for human rights
  • Resolution of complaints
  • Groups open to discrimination and violence
  • Economic, social and cultural rights
  • Basic principles and rights at work
  • Civil and political rights
  • Employment and exclusion relations
  • Working and social protection conditions
  • Social dialogue
  • Health and safety in the business environment
  • Human development and training in the workplace
  • Prevention of pollution
  • Sustainable resource use
  • Mitigation and adaptation of climate change
  • Protection of the environment, biodiversity and restoration of natural life
  • Prevention of abuse of office
  • Responsible political participation
  • Fair competition
  • Increasing social responsibility in the value chain
  • Respect for property rights
  • Fair marketing, realistic unbiased information and fair contract practices
  • Protecting the health and safety of consumers
  • Sustainable consumption
  • Consumer data protection and privacy
  • Access to essential services
  • Consumer education/training and awareness
  • Community participation
  • Community education/training and culture
  • Job creation and skill development
  • Technology development and access
  • Prosperity and income creation
  • Health
  • Social investment